So... I have been waiting for our Daughter to arrive since we found
out we were expecting in December.
I decided I wasn't going to sit around and twiddle my thumbs... :/
We had decided we would find out the gender in order that we might be
a little more prepared, considering we are living on a tight budget since Willie is in school.
There is always a test that needs payed for, books to be bought or the silly little expense
of an extra class that needs payed for "right now!"
But there is a wait to find out ... and I had to find some way to keep busy
I do have a part time job with my church, caring for
"my kids"... The ones whose parents are in choir or orchestra. But that is
only twice a week and special occasions.
I wanted to make baby things, but without knowing it was kind of hard.
I have a lot of friends who are pregnant or are having babies, or had babies...
so I started there. :)
And this is where I learned that waiting can be a blessing.
I learned a lot about baby stuff, and sewing.
I found a lot of fun projects to make for baby gifts.
Then when the time came I started working on my own baby stuff
which helped with the other end of waiting, but if I had never taken advantage
of the beginning part I would never have had the chance to practice on my sewing.
So now that I have only 9 days or less for baby to come I will view it as a blessing
get some rest, try to get a few last minute things done and just enjoy this few
days with my husband, before baby and before He starts back to school.